Study the level of social interaction and its relationship to aggressive behavior on the field for some youth teams

Document Type : Original Article


The research aims to identify the level of social interaction and social behavior among athletes in some of the different games and to identify the relationship between the level of social interaction and aggressive behavior of the research sample. The descriptive approach was used on a sample of (60) players who were chosen intentionally, and the researcher used the measure of social interaction in the mathematical field and the scale of aggressive behavior in the mathematical field. The two measures were applied to the sample and after collecting the questionnaires and setting the scales on them as data Crude as test results, after which the grades were converted to final degrees, the most important results were reached, namely, the level of social interaction within the level of good for athletes in the difference games, the level of aggressive behavior falls within the level below the average of the research sample, and there is a correlation relationship Reverse between the social interaction and aggressive behavior of the research sample, and one of the most important recommendations is the necessity of attention and emphasis on interaction and cooperation between players in the stages of preparation for what has a positive impact on the level of relations between players and because of its importance in reducing aggressive behavior in them, the tacs in them The social aspect of sports.


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