The effect of using the (Bio-Tox Pro) device on some endurance indicators for female students of the first stage in the College of Sports Education for Girls

Document Type : Original Article


The research aims to know the effect of using the (Bio-Tox Pro) device after practical lessons on some indicators of endurance among students of the Faculty of Mathematical Education for Girls, and the experimental approach is used on first-stage students (14 students), and the research sample was divided randomly into two groups, where the group uses The first experimental (8 students) immediately after (practical lessons), calming and breathing exercises for 15 minutes, for the purpose of returning the normal pulse before the practical lesson. As for the second experimental group (6 students), the passive energy withdrawal device is used immediately after (the practical lessons) and the players are rotated, each two players sit on the device twice during the week, between each two days, they sit on the third day for a period of 30 minutes, and depending on the instructions that came with the device. And after determining the indicators of endurance in the test (pulse after the effort and the front authority test during 60 seconds and the running test of 300 m), and after conducting the pre and post tests for the two groups and then statistically treating them. The most important results indicated that the use of the (Bio-Tox Pro) negative energy withdrawal device of the second experimental group has a positive effect on some indicators of endurance better than calming and breathing exercises in the first experimental group and the most important recommendations attention to hospital methods to reduce indicators of fatigue and increase the tolerance of students of the College of Education Sports for girls - University of Baghdad.


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