Relationship of the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) to the body mass index for blind male students (15-18 years)

Document Type : Original Article


The research aims to know the type of relationship between the maximum oxygen consumption VO2 max and the body mass index among blind male students, and the descriptive method was used on a sample of 30 blind students from the male students in the visual center, using us, in Algeria, in Algeria Running for one mile, and to estimate the maximum oxygen consumption rate we applied the George et al. (1993) equation, students' lengths and weights were measured and we calculated the body mass index by equation: weight / (height in meters) 2, and the results of the research indicated a strong inverse relationship at Moral level 0.01 between Maximum consumption of oxygen and body mass index. One of the most important recommendations is to focus on improving the level of cardiac respiratory fitness for blind students, and to suggest an adapted physical program.


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