Diversity of Angiotensin ACE gene and its relationship to some anthropometric measurements and physiological in aerobic endurance athletes as a function of selection

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University

2 ** Professor Exercise Physiology and Head Department sports health science-Faculty of Physical Education- Assiut University.


ACE gene diversity and its relationship to some anthropometric and physiological measurements of aerobic endurance athletes as a function of selection.
research aims:
1- Identify the relationship between ACE gene diversity and some anthropometric and physiological measurements of aerobic endurance athletes as a function of selection.
Search questions:
1- What is the relationship between ACE gene diversity and some anthropometric and physiological measurements of aerobic endurance athletes as a function of selection?
Research methodology: The two researchers used the descriptive approach (for survey studies) due to its relevance to the nature of this research.
The research sample: The sample was chosen in the deliberate manner represented by the aerial endurance players for long distances who are distinguished in the endurance element, which numbered (7) players registered in the sports clubs of the Egyptian Federation of Athletics - Assiut branch.
Results: There was a strong direct correlation between the anthropometric and some physiological measurements (Vo2max, systolic blood pressure) with a gene (ACE, II), where the calculated value of "R" ranged between (0.56: 0.90), and there is an inverse correlation between the fat percentage and the mass index The body with the ACE gene where the calculated "R" value reached (-0.61) (-0.52), and there is no correlation between the other measurements under discussion with the ACE, II, where the calculated "R" value ranged between (0.12) : 0.25).
Conclusions: There were strong direct correlations between anthropometric and some physiological measurements (Vo2max, systolic blood pressure) with a gene (ACE, II).


Main Subjects