Impact of training program on some selected Biomechanical, Physical, and skillful Indicators about Backhand volley drop shot for squash players

Document Type : Original Article


kiensiology department -physical education- dumitta university-


The study aimed to identify the effect of a special training program on some biomechanical, physical, and skillful indicators for Backhand volley drop shot for squash players, by setting up some special exercises through a special training program and identifying its effect on biomechanical, physical, and skillful indicators.The researcher used the descriptive approach during the performance of the biomechanical analysis of the players, then the semi-experimental approach was used for one experimental group of 12 players from the Armed Forces Club in Mansoura in the period from (16/2/2019) to (18/5/2019). The research suggested that the proposed special training program led to a significant improvement in the values of the biomechanical variables of the striking plane straight back during the performance stages. The researcher recommended the necessity and importance of using biomechanical indicators for skill of the striking plane straight plane in designing special exercises that improve performance in the age stages Taking into account the different search results, when you teach the skill in question.


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