The Effect of Using Moodle in the program in acquiring educational competencies for student teacherThe Effect of Using Moodle in the program in acquiring educational competencies for student teacher

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University


The research aims to identify The Effect of Using Moodle in the program in acquiring educational competencies for student teacher , The researcher used the experimental method to suit the nature of the research, and the sample of the study was selected in a random way and reached (48) students of the third division in the Faculty of Sports Education University tanta has been divided into two groups (24) student experimental group and (24) student officer group, and applied The researcher applied the form of teaching qualifications on the experimental group to evaluate the teaching qualifications of the student teacher, and applied the measure of opinions and electronic impressions on the experimental group in order to know their opinions and impressions towards the program, and the most important results were there are significant differences Statistics among the average dimension measurements of the experimental group and the control in the acquisition of teaching qualifications from moodle program in favor of the dimension measurement of the experimental group.The research aims to identify The Effect of Using Moodle in the program in acquiring educational competencies for student teacher , The researcher used the experimental method to suit the


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