The Effect of International Variables on The Modern Olympic Movement During the Bipolar International Mode Stage (1945-1988), An Analytical Study

Document Type : Original Article


Al-Jouf University , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


 The study aimed to monitor and analyze international variables and their impact on the International Olympic Committee fulfilling its role during the bipolar international mode phase (1945-1988).
 The researcher used the analytical and historical approach to monitor and analyze the documents, records and reports of the International Olympic Committee, the Olympic Charter and Arab and foreign scientific references, also the study covered a historical period of (43) years, starting after the end of the Second World War and specifically during the bi-polar international mode (1945-1988) ), And ends with the Soviet Union dissolution
 The study found that the modern Olympic movement was negatively affected as a result of international conflicts during the bipolar international mode stage (1945-1988), and the using of boycott weapon - withdrawal - protest in the Olympic square as a method for countries to express international political conflict.
 The study recommended that the International Olympic Committee and all the National Olympic Committees should abide by the Olympic Charter and not allow governments to interfere in their Olympic affairs.
Key Words : International Olympic Committee - The ideological conflict – NATO and Warsaw Pact -The Cold War - Racial Discrimination - The Boycott


Main Subjects