Sport and Future Prospects in the Third World Countries

Document Type : Original Article


Al-Jouf University , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Sport represents the center of life, as it plays a strategic, long-term preventive role in building an integrated human being, achieving balanced growth for the good citizen from all physical, mental, psychological, emotional, social, moral, and health aspects, and practicing sport and various physical activities in a scientific manner results in achieving many benefits (improving the performance of devices the vital body, such as the circulatory, respiratory, nervous, and muscular systems, helps maintain the appropriate weight for the individual, helps increase the body's resistance to fatigue and nervous tension, contributes to increasing self-confidence and emotional balance, and is an effective and useful means for recreation and leisure time, where you earn experience positive self, and provide opportunities for social integration and moral).

Therefore, sports activity is one of the dimensions of contemporary developmental thinking, given the mathematical practice provided by a positive complementary environment for building and developing personality. Sports activities are characterized by the richness of the social climate and the abundance of social processes and interactions that enhance the capabilities of the sports practitioner, and provide him with life experiences, behavioral characteristics, social aspects and values , such as self-discipline, tolerance, cooperation and respect, and promoting loyalty and community affiliation. The sporting environment is a practical application of social ideals and values, and the stadium is a microcosm of society in all its roles, systems and activities.


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