The Training Various in two methods Isometric and Isotonic Contraction on respiratory efficiency and some variables of muscle strength and their effect on static exercises in the mandates of the Junior Gymnastics Second Republic Championship to Artistic gymnastics for men under 7 years

Document Type : Original Article


1 sports health science ,faculity of physical eddcation, Damietta unvirsite

2 Faculty of Physical Education, Damietta University


The Training Various in two methods Isometric and Isotonic Contraction on respiratory efficiency and some variables of muscle strength
and their effect on static exercises in the mandates of the
Junior Gymnastics Second Republic Championship
to Artistic gymnastics for men under 7 years

Assist. Prof/ Ahmed Mohammed Shewika
Dr/ Ahmed Atef Ahmed Elshalakamy

The research aims to improve the degree of performance of the skills of the L-Support (10) sec and L-Sit (3) sec, the respiratory efficiency and some measurements of muscle strength are under study for Junior Gymnastics by designing Training Various program in two methods Isometric and Isotonic Contraction
The research was applied to a sample chosen in an intentional way, which was represented by a number (15) Juniors in Etihad El Ashraf club, and used the experimental method with one group.
The results showed that the proposed training program using in two methods Isometric and Isotonic Contraction led to:
1. Improving the degree of performance of the skills of the L-Support (10) sec and L-Sit (3) sec of the research sample.
2. Improving respiratory efficiency measurements under consideration and in favor dimensional measurement.
3. Improved muscle strength measurements under consideration and in favor of dimensional measurement.
The researchers recommend the use of the proposed Training Various in two methods Isometric and Isotonic Contraction when improving the L-Support (10) sec and L-Sit (3) sec, for the juniors of gymnastics, in addition to observing the training principles and scientific foundations in developing the program


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