The Effect of Activation of Reflexology on the final part on Record level for Weightlifters

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Mansoura University, Department of Athletic Training


The Effect of Activation of Reflexology on the final part
on Record level for Weightlifters

* Ahmed Ali Rehan

The aim of the study to investigate the effect reflexology on the final part on record level for Weightlifters. The researcher has used the experimental method of two group design, one experimental and the other is adjuster.

The researcher society is chosen by vertical method from players of weight lifters in Nasiria Sports Club under 15 years old, and registered in Egyptian Union of weight lifters, they were chosen through vertical method, their number was 16 players. They were divided into two group, one of them is experimental from 8 players, the other was adjuster is from 8 players.

Using tests of grasp strength to collect data, physiological and physical tests were used for lifters under research, which is the energy index, the oxygen consumption index, the power of grip, agility, the tests of lifting of the clean and the Jerk, for 15 weeks.

The researcher recommends using activating reflexology at the end of training unit, for its positive effect on developing physiological physical abilities and develop record level for weightlifters.


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