Evaluate the Validity and Reliability of some Spatial-kinesthetic Perception Tests In terms of Vienna Test System

Document Type : Original Article


department of fundamentals of physical education - faculty of physical education for boys abo qir - Alexandria university - Egypt.


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the Validity and Reliability of some Spatial-kinesthetic Perception Tests In terms of Vienna Test System, The research was applied in a random sample of (63) students from the Faculty of Physical Education, Their characteristics, Age (21.80 ± 0.80 years), height (173.71 ± 2.57 m), weight (71.00 ± 2.58 kg). The descriptive method was used through the survey method in this research. The data was collected from spatial-kinesthetic perception tests and Time/Movement Anticipation test (ZBA) in Vienna test system. Where, the researcher used it as criterion to measure the validity of field tests in this research. The results of correlation coefficients indicate a significant correlation between the criterion test and field tests, which means that the tests are valid to use as an alternative to (ZBA) test. Where, the correlation coefficient value was between (0.941-: 0.967). To verify reliability, the researcher used the test retest method after one week. The results of the ICC have indicated that spatial perception tests have a high degree of reliability, Where, the value of (ICC) between (0.863: 0.984), In light of this, Standard levels are built of field tests in this research, for use it in diagnostic, classification and comparison processes of spatial kinesthetic perception.


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