The effectiveness of a suggestive learning program to improve some handball skills And some psychological variables for troubled students at the Faculty of Physical Education

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education for girls fleming alexandria university


The aim of the research was to improve the skill level of handball skills under consideration, the psychological variables of female students represented by "relaxation - anxiety - positive self-talk", and the study was applied to a sample of students of the second group of strugglers and the rest to return in the handball course at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls Alexandria University for the year University (2018/2019), the number of which is (35) students with a very poor rating in handball skills under study
Among the most important results of the research: The suggestive learning program has a high impact in reducing the level of anxiety, and it has a high impact in improving the level of performance of handball skills prescribed for second year students at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls at Alexandria University, and also improving the level of skill performance using positive self-talk, in addition to Until the use of the proposed program resulted in a decrease in muscle tension

The researcher recommended the following:
1 - Using suggestive learning to develop mental and motor processes.
2 - Mixing between suggestive learning and skillful performance to develop female students ’level of performance.
3 - Using suggestive learning with skillful performance to reduce anxiety.
4 - Conducting similar studies on other activities of the college


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