educational program to develop visual skills for beginners with special olympic and its impact on levels of performance some skills Basic in volleyball

Document Type : Original Article


department of the theories and applications of collective sports and racket sports Department of physical Education College, Sadat City University, Egypt


hrough the work of the first researcher with this category and the training of the Egypt national team for people with special needs, he noted that there is a clear decrease in the level of skill performance and difficulties in learning for that category, despite the explanation of the skill and the provision of educational steps as well as reactionary feeding they have, but they lose the good vision to perform the skills with the ball or without A ball in different situations as it negatively affects the level of their skillful performance and thus slow moving to pass or receive the ball coming from a colleague or competitor and a weak ability to determine the direction of flying the ball and the researchers return the reason for the inability of the beginner with needs etc. A share of (the mentally handicapped) from learning and mastering the basic skills under discussion to the lack of visual skills necessary to practice volleyball.
In light of this, the two researchers saw an attempt to design an educational program to develop visual skills and know its effect on the level of performance of some basic skills in volleyball for the sample in question.
Research objectives:
This research aims to design an educational program using visual skills exercises to learn about its impact on: -
1- Some visual skills for the research sample.
2- The skill level of the research sample.


Main Subjects