The effect of a program that uses the rhythm of music on motor satisfaction and some physical and skill variables for students of weak level in taekwondo

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for girls, Zagazig University


The research aims to design an educational program using the musical rhythm and know its effect on motor satisfaction and some physical and skill variables for students of low level in taekwondo, The researcher used the experimental approach for the one group by following the (Before – after) measurement, The sample included the students of weak level in taekwondo in the first class at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls of Zagazig University, and the number is (40) students, and their ages range between (18-19) years. They were divided into (25) students for the experimental group, and (15) students for exploratory study, The most important results indicated that the educational program that uses musical rhythm had a positive effect on increasing motor satisfaction, improving some physical variables, and improving the level of performance of the skills of taekwondo under study for students with a weak level in taekwondo, The researcher recommended the necessity of using the musical rhythm in taekwondo lectures at the college and all colleges of physical education at the republic level, the need to conduct similar studies for this study using the musical rhythm on other sports courses and specializations, and knowing its impact on a level, interest in introducing new ways and means and methods to teach the curriculum of physical education as General and Taekwondo curriculum in particular, commensurate with the nature and characteristics of female students


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