Electromyography Muscles activation of Upper Extremity on body in Top Spin Serve Skill on the two Side of Serve in Tennis (A Comparative Study)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Kinesiology, Specifications Biomechanics. Faculty of Physical education, Dumyat University, Egypt.

2 Department of sport Training and Movement Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University. ُEgypt


The aim of the research is to analysis the Muscles activation of Upper Extremity on body in Top Spin Serve Skill on the two Side of Serve in Tennis.
The research was applied to a sample that was chosen by the deliberate method from Smouha club , registered with the Egyptian Tennis Federation, and conducted on (3) players, among them is one of Egyptian national team players . A descriptive design based on EMG. Data collection tools included anthropometric measurements –electrical activity of muscles analysis- ball speed. The study was applied from 20 / 10 / 2019 to 21 / 12 / 2019.
The results of the research showed that: - The average ratio of muscular contribution of Upper Extremity on body in Top Spin Serve Skill on the two Side of Serve in Tennis. – There was a difference between the median ratio of muscle contribution ratio on the two sides of Rt : Bicepes Brachii muscle , Rt : Triceps brachii muscle , and Lt : External Abdominal Oblique muscle in the Forward Swing and Contact, and There wasn’t a difference between the median ratio of muscle contribution ratio on the two sides in Backward swing and Follow – Through in Top Spin Serve Skill.
The researcher recommended using the results that were reached of the electrical of the muscles of the skill research to guide as a basis for development of qualitative specific exercises of Upper Extremity to improve skill performance on the two Side of Serve.


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