Effect of colon massage and passive stretch exercises on reducing some of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms

Document Type : Original Article


1 Health Sport and Bioscience Department Faculty of Sport Education for Men, Alexandria University, Egypt

2 Health Sport and Bioscience Department Faculty of Sports Education for Men, Matrouh University, Egypt.


Abstract. [Purpose] The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of colon massage and passive stretch exercises on reducing some of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. [Subjects and Methods] The research sample comprised ninety patients (35-55 years–old) from education directorate volunteer employers, who diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, research sample was divided to three groups (each group consist of 30 volunteer), the first group was applied the colon massage only, the second group was applied passive static stretching for arms, legs, hips, back and abdomen respectively followed by passive ballistic stretching for abdomen, back, hips, legs and arms respectively, the third group was applied passive static stretching for arms, legs, hips back and abdomen respectively followed by colon message ended with passive ballistic stretching for abdomen, back, hips, legs and arms respectively. The research was applied in July 2019 to September 2019, Port-Said - Egypt. [Results] Their were improvement in blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) level in the limbs, ankle-brachial index, mean arterial pressure and in vital capacity in post compared to the pre measuring for the three research groups using colon massage alone, passive stretching alone and the combined effect of colon massage and passive stretching in reducing some of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, the enhancement percentage pattern was followed as: third group > First group > second group.


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