Sports facilities development strategy in Gharbia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sport Administration and Recreation, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt


Planning plays an important role in translating mathematical activities, from setting goals, steps, and programs for their implementation to monitoring their activities and elements that evaluate them, and the strategy is more detailed and an illustration of these steps in a way that ensures the creation of a degree of congruence between its mission and goals and between this message and the environment in which it operates effectively and with high efficiency,The research aimed to arrive at a strategy based on scientific principles for the development of sports facilities in Gharbia Governorate by identifying the mission, vision and goals of developing sports facilities in Gharbia Governorate, and what are the material and human resources available for development, policies and administrative procedures followed in the development process in addition to estimated budgets, time programs and elements The evaluation and monitoring followed for the development of sports facilities in Gharbia Governorate,The descriptive approach was used on a sample of workers in the competent administrative authority (Ministry of Youth and Sports), workers in the Youth and Sports Directorate, Gharbia Governorate, workers in youth and sports stadiums in the Western Governorate, the questionnaire was designed as a tool to collect data and information, and the results of the research resulted in a weak future vision and scientific planning to develop Sports facilities in Gharbia Governorate.


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