'' The Impact of Apreliminary Games Program on Develop Special Kinetic Abilities and Performance level Of Some Skills on Horizontal Bar" * DR / Mustafa Ahmed Mohamed

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical education _Zagazig university


The research aimed to design a proposed educational program using Apreliminary games in order to identify the impact of the proposed program on the level of some kinetic abilities and the performance level of some skills on Horizontal Bar for the first year students, and the Researcher used the experimental approach to suit his nature of this Research through experimental design that depends on tribal measurements The dimension of two groups, one experimental and the other control, the research sample was chosen in the random deliberate method from the research community of (700) students, where the number was (100) students with a percentage of 14.2%, and the researcher used the following statistical treatments (Arithmetic mean - Median - Standard deviation –Torsional Coefficient- Pearson's Simple Correlation Coefficient - T.Test - Improvement Ratios).
The Most Important Results:
1. The assumed program using Apreliminary games has a positive effect on the development of the special motor abilities of the research sample.
2. The presumed program using Apreliminary games has a positive effect on the development of skills under investigation on Horizontal Bar system of the research sample.
3. The program specified using the Apreliminary games, which were applicated on the experimental group, has a more positive and effective effect than the traditional program, which was applicated on the control group in developing special kinetic abilities and learning the skills in research on Horizontal Bar.


Main Subjects