The effectiveness of a training program using Crossfit exercises on some fitness elements and the digital level of the 200m sprint.

Document Type : Original Article


Helwan University, Faculty of Sports Education, Cairo Girls


The importance and problem of research
Through the work of the researcher in the field of athletics training, the idea of the research, which depends on the work of a training program to identify the effectiveness of Crossfit training, came on the percentage of improvement for the 200-meter enemy player, which is characterized by diversity in terms of training problems, the method of performance, and the intensity of the training loads in Dakhla, as appropriate With the nature of the competition and its physical characteristics.
Crossfit is a variety of different training exercises that the trainer or the program designer can change in the type of training in terms of (form - method - and time of performance) in proportion to the fitness element to be developed, whether in the small or large training unit It does not depend only on one element of fitness,
research aims:
The research aims to identify the effectiveness of a training program using Crossfit exercises on: -
1- Some elements of physical fitness for the 200-meter sprint
2- The digital level of the 200m sprint
Research hypotheses:
1- There are statistically significant differences between the pre / post measurements of the experimental group in the fitness components under consideration in favor of the post measurements.
2- There are statistically significant differences between the pre / post measurements of the control group in the physical fitness components under consideration, in favor of the post measurement.


Main Subjects