Use Moodle Cloud system to manage the educational content and its impact on teaching performance, cognitive level and trends to teach handball skills.

Document Type : Original Article



This research aims to use Moodle cloud system to manage the educational content and know its impact on teaching performance and cognitive level and trends towards it to teach handball skills to students of the fourth division in the course of applications of methods of teaching team sports and the sample of the research in the students of the fourth division school sports division for the number (42) students were divided into two experimental groups in addition to (18) students as a exploratory sample, and the data were collected by the expert survey of the axes of teaching performance and note card phrases as well as the knowledge test, the most important results were that Moodle system enabled learners to improve the level of teaching performance as well as the cognitive level of the first and second experimental groups and the existence of differences between the two groups in teaching performance and cognitive level in favor of the first experimental group, which used educational units in the method of simultaneous educational communication with the teacher and the existence of positive trends towards learning using this system in the two experimental groups (in research).


Main Subjects