Keyword Index


  • A biomechanical A biomechanical comparison of some kinematic characteristics of a spiral strike against the front racket of different levels for table tennis players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 162-183]
  • Acadox technology The effect of using the Acadox technology in teaching the learning technology course on developing knowledge achievement and electronic communication skills for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 270-307]
  • Alignment The effectiveness of basic training on compatibility, balance, and the level of technical performance in rhythmic exercises [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 308-350]
  • A training program A training program to develop the functional strength of the muscles of the central region and its effect on the skill level performance of gap bunting with the tendency of the torso to succeed in rhythmic gymnastics [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 162-227]


  • DIFFERENT LEVELS A biomechanical comparison of some kinematic characteristics of a spiral strike against the front racket of different levels for table tennis players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 162-183]


  • Effectiveness The effectiveness of basic training on compatibility, balance, and the level of technical performance in rhythmic exercises [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 308-350]
  • Exercises The effect of strength training exercises using weightlifting jacket to develop some types of speed and skill level for squash players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 228-250]


  • Handball The effect of reverse learning using a smartphone on learning some offensive skills in handball [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 141-161]


  • Inverted learning The effect of reverse learning using a smartphone on learning some offensive skills in handball [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 141-161]


  • Knowledge Development The effect of using the Acadox technology in teaching the learning technology course on developing knowledge achievement and electronic communication skills for students of the Faculty of Physical Education [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 270-307]


  • Plyometric training A comparative study between the effect of ballistic training and plyometric training on the strength, speed and individual attacking skills of football players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 308-335]


  • The Effect The effect of reverse learning using a smartphone on learning some offensive skills in handball [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 141-161]
  • The Effect The effect of strength training exercises using weightlifting jacket to develop some types of speed and skill level for squash players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 228-250]
  • The Effectiveness The effectiveness of an educational program using the Wheatley model for constructive learning on some basic skills and cognitive achievement in tennis for students of the Faculty of Sports Education for Boys - Zagazig University [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 97-140]
  • The effectiveness of using some training methods to develop strength tolerance of the clench skill of Roman wrestling players The effectiveness of using some training methods to develop strength tolerance of the clench skill of Roman wrestling players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 35-71]
  • The effect of The effect of using constructive learning strategy on the performance level of some basic skills in table tennis [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 72-96]
  • The effect of ballistic training A comparative study between the effect of ballistic training and plyometric training on the strength, speed and individual attacking skills of football players [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 308-335]
  • The program Suggested rehabilitative exercise program for flat back deflection associated with lower back pain [Volume 09, Issue 09, 2020, Pages 251-269]