The effect of an educational program using alternative tools on learning some basic basketball skills for deaf and dumb students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Theories and Applications of Team Sports and Racquet Sports, Faculty of Physical Education, Sadat City University


Through the experience of the researcher in the field of teaching deaf and dumb students to basketball, I found that sometimes, while teaching some skills, it is often difficult to achieve the goal for many of those involved in education, especially with sign language and the instructions are constantly heard by the teacher, which makes the learning process difficult and monotonous And routine at times and from here emerged the research problem that attracted the researcher's attention to think about using alternative educational tools that work on: -
1- Economy in the exerted effort.
2- The maximum benefit from the time allotted for education.
3- Improving skillful performance through correct visualization of performance to reach the level of the mechanism.
4- Increasing the number of repetitions, which improves the motor reaction, which we lack during the stages of education for beginners in general, and those with special needs (those who are deaf and dumb) especially in clubs and schools.
In light of this, the researcher saw an attempt to design an educational program using an educational program with alternative tools to know its effect on developing the performance of some basic skills in basketball for deaf and dumb students.


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