The effect of motor exploration on reducing hyperactivity and developing social competence for kindergarten children

Document Type : Original Article


physical education - banha


abar hayat altifl wanumuh wamushkilat turbiatih , daymana mathar aihtimam aleulama' walbahithin fi mukhtalif almajalat ealaa mari aleswr. (5: 15 child’s life are considered one of the most important stages of growth and formation of an individual’s behavior so that researchers direct their interest in their various problems and study them with a view to finding appropriate solutions for them, to mitigate them and limit their effects, as it is one of the most important stages that the individual goes through in his life.
(19: 112)
Recent studies have shown the importance of the first five years of a child’s life and their extreme effects on their development and building their personality in an integrated manner before joining the school, and that his abilities reach their range at this stage of his life, which made educators pay this stage an adequate share of their efforts and study as the most important basis in the next stage In the life of the child and draw the lines of his personality and indicate its features in the future. (11: 96)


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