The effectiveness of an educational program based on the differential learning method In the cognitive and digital achievement of the shot put competition

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for Women, Alexandria University


We are well aware of the important role of modern teaching and learning methods for the teacher and the learner, given that the traditional methods and methods of teaching are no longer suitable for learners due to their different abilities and previous experiences and because they are no longer of great value in this changing time in everything related to the educational process, and taking into account individual differences between learners Diversification of educational methods requires that each learner be able to acquire knowledge and develop his skills according to his abilities, as the research aims to identify: The effect of the educational program based on the differential learning method on the cognitive and digital achievement of the put-pay competition for sixth-grade pupils of the primary stage. The experimental approach was used and applied to a sample of (30 students) in the sixth grade. Physical tests appropriate to the learner’s activity were used. The distance test was also used for throwing the shot, in addition to the pictorial cognitive achievement test of the most important results. Differential learning used with the experimental group affected a positive effect, which led to improvement. High in the degree of cognitive achievement and digital performance of the shot put competition for pupils. Among the most important recommendations are: Using the differential learning method in teaching the shot put competition by studying physical education for sixth grade students.


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