The effectiveness of electronic maps on cognitive achievement and skill performance in basketball for students of the Education Division at the Faculty of Physical Education in Alexandria

Document Type : Original Article


Fasical education for girls Alexandria University



نتائج البحث

نتیجة الترجمة



tuetabar alkharayit al'iiliktruniat ahda aistiratijiat altaelim alnasht wayahdif albahth 'iilaa altaearuf ealaa faealiat alkharayit al'iiliktruniat litalibat alfurqat alththalithat shuebatan taelim fa tahsin mustawaa altahsil almuerfaa wal'ada' almuharaa fa kurat alsala waqamat albahithat biastikhdam almunhaj altijribaa wdhlk limulayimatih litabieat albahth watama waistikhlas min furud albahth wa'ahdafah 'ana alkharayit al'iiliktruniat sahamat bitariqat 'iijabiat fa tahsin mustawaa altahsil almuerfaa wal'ada' almuharaa fa kurat alsalat lilmajmueat altajribiat kama kan litariqat aleard altawdihaa dawraan lilmajmueat alddabitat fi almutaghayirat qayd albahth watawsaa albahithat bialaihtimam bi'iistikhdam alkharayit al'iiliktruniat fa tahsin almaharat almukhtalifat lilanshtat alriyadiat almukhtalifat litalibat shuebat taelim

Electronic maps are considered one of the active learning strategies, and the research aims to identify the effectiveness of electronic maps for the students of the third year, Education Division, in improving the level of cognitive achievement and skillful performance in basketball
The researcher used the experimental method for its suitability to the nature of the research, and it was extracted from the research hypotheses and objectives that the electronic maps contributed in a positive way to improving the level of cognitive achievement and the skillful performance in basketball for the experimental group. The method of demonstration also had a role for the control group in the variables under research and the researcher recommends paying attention to the use of maps. Electronic in improving the various skills of various sports activities for students of the Education Division


Main Subjects