Examine the relationship between some of the skill performances most closely related to talent for soccer

Document Type : Original Article


Alexandria universtiy


this study aims to determine the relationship between the talent measurement test and the attitudes of creativity ability of the football junior. The researcher used the descriptive method in the survey method, and the study tool was a test to measure talent in a ball The results of the study resulted in football and the ability test for creativity in There is a direct correlation between the degree of effectiveness of the stadium test and the degree of the first position, and the calculated value of (t) = 0.243 and this value is greater than the tabular value of (t) at the level of (0.05) = 0.232 There is an inverse correlation between the total time of performance in the stadium test and the times of all creative ability positions (except for the third position time) and the calculated value of (t) = 0.629 and this value is greater than the tabular value of (t) at the level of (0.05) = 0.2
While there are no statistically significant correlations between the rest of the variables, as the calculated (r) values were less than the tabular (r) value at the level (0.05) = 0.232


Main Subjects