"The relative contribution of some biomechanical variables of the short circular kick." Kizami - mawashi geri

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical education for girls Alexandria University


This study aims to identify the relative contribution of some special biomechanical variables on the performance of the short forward kick, Kizami - Mawashi - Geri.
Study questions:
- What are the percentages of the contribution of some special biomechanical variables in the performance of the short forward kick, Kizami - Mawashi - Geri.
- Determine the biomechanical parameters of the performance level of the short forward kick, Kizami - Mawashi - Geri.
1. The biomechanical characteristics and the contribution to improving the skill performance evaluation levels of the study sample is the index of the thigh joint angle of the right focal leg during the moment of full extension of the knee joint of the kicker, the most biomechanical indicators that contribute to improving the level of performance evaluation of skill among the study sample, where the percentage of its contribution reached 98%.
2. The biomechanical characteristics and the contribution to improving the skill performance evaluation levels of the study sample is the index of the horizontal velocity of the center of gravity of the body during the moment of reaching the maximum flexion of the knee joint of the kicker, the most biomechanical indicators that contribute to improving the level of performance evaluation of the skill of the study sample, with a contribution of 2%.


Main Subjects