Achievement relationship and personality traits with the digital level of swimmers in North Sinai

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical fitness education - Arish University


Research objective:
1. Learn about the relationship between some personality traits, achievement motivation, and the digital level of Al-Hurra swimmers.
2. Study the differences between achievement motivation between high-level players and low-level players in freestyle.
3. Study the differences between some personality traits between high-level players and low-level players in freestyle
The research sample: The researcher has chosen the research sample in an intentional way from the free swimmers and those enrolled in the North Sinai area for swimming and they were divided as follows: the exploratory study sample (20) swimmer and the basic research sample (120) swimmers were divided into two groups (the first) (60) swimmers They represent the highest level in freestyle, and the second (60) swimmers represent the low level in freestyle.
The curriculum used: the researcher chooses the descriptive approach to implement the research plan, as it suits the topic and purpose of the research.
Search results: The highly digital swimmers have a very high correlation coefficient on the athletic achievement motivation scale and some personality traits.


Main Subjects