The effectiveness of a program in educational matches in improving skill performance and attribution of legal errors to Volleyball Beginners

Document Type : Original Article


physical education for girls


This research aims to develop a program in educational games in the light of a set of technical and legal controls to determine the effectiveness of the program in improving skill performance and improving rates of legal errors in educational games for volleyball buds. The experimental method using the previous and background measurements.

Beginners of the YMCA school teacher in Alexandria Y.WCA were selected under (8 years) as a community for the deliberate method of the sports season (2018/2019), and their number was (70) players. Physical aptitude tests - skill tests a note form and registration of legal errors was designed for the same research players, organizing educational games and planned playing positions according to legal controls developed by the researcher, conducting pre-measurement of basic skills using skill tests and applying the legal errors form to the basic study sample, i.e. Beyond dimensional measurement on the same sample and the same variables.
The results of the research indicated that the educational matches program contributed to improving the skills of volleyball buds. And contributed to reducing the percentage of legal errors in volleyball buds, and the researcher recommended the application of the proposed program to improve the skill performance in volleyball for the buds stage and attention to applying skills and law of the game in the actual situations to play. Through educational games.


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