The role of sport in promoting social participation among youth A Comparative Study on a Sample of Benha University Students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational, Psychological and Social Sciences - Faculty of Physical Education - Benha University


The research aims to identify the role of sport in promoting social participation among young people, and the main question of the research was, "Does sport have a role in promoting social participation among young people? Or does it not make a difference, the researcher used the descriptive approach in its quantitative manner to its relevance to the nature of the research, the research community students of Benha University Which includes 16 scientific, human, and health colleges, and the researcher chose 220 students as an intentional sample from the original community of research, as the survey sample reached 20 students, and thus the core sample became 200 students and they were classified according to exercise, where the number of students practicing sports reached 100 students, and the number of students is Sports practitioners are 100 students, and the researcher has prepared a means of collecting the appropriate data for the research, which is the questionnaire, where the social participation questionnaire is of three dimensions after the presentation to the arbitrators, and the scientific transactions were carried out for the questionnaire from honesty and consistency, then the researcher applied the research to the subjects and collected data, and By analyzing the data quantitatively using the spss program, use the following statistical treatments (percentage - arithmetic mean - standard deviation - sb correlation coefficient) Pomegranate - Man-Whitney Difference Test - Relative Importance). Finally, the researcher concluded that students practicing sport are more in social participation than students not practicing sports.


Main Subjects