The effect of using the educational bag on motor satisfaction and level Performing some defensive skills in basketball

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Girls University of Zagazig


Self-learning methods mainly depend on the availability of educational materials and programs designed with a specific approach so that the learner can benefit from them and his abilities, and stimulate his motivation for more learning, and from those programs that began to be widely used in educational bags, the current study will focus on how to design a form The educational bag is in accordance with the principles and rules of educational design followed in this regard.
The educational bag relies on a clearly defined plan that explains to the student what he will do and proposes to him the chosen educational media, and the various methods and methods, which provide the student with opportunities to choose from them in a way that suits his education style, and his distinctive characteristics in light of the set of instructions and instructions that must be taken step by step from In order to achieve strictly defined educational goals, which are decided in the light of established assessment methods whether the student has learned or not.
The use of the educational bag method was raised on the level of the performance of some defensive skills in basketball (pause of defensive preparation - defensive moves - defensive follow-up) and motor satisfaction of third year students at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Zagazig University.


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