The effect of Kaatsu training on small blood elements, some physical variables & The performance level of the shot put competition.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Helwan University

2 Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in Cairo - Helwan University


The effect of Kaatsu training on small blood elements , some physical variables &The performance level of the shot put competition
The research aims to identify the effect of Kaatsu training on the smallest elements in the blood (copper, chloride, cobalt, selenium, zinc and some physical variables and the level of performance of the shot push competition.
the selection of the research sample by the intentional method of the first year students from the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University for the academic year 2018/2019, and the actual research sample strength reached (32) students, and (5) students were excluded from them to conduct the exploratory study on them and the application of the group of Kaatsu training on (10) Female students, the resistance training group without Kaatsu (8) female students, and the control group (9) female students. The two researchers conducted homogeneity in height, weight, and age.
it was measured by (the muscular ability of the two legs - the muscular ability of the arms - the strength of the muscles of the legs - the strength of the back muscles)
The researchers found that there were statistically significant differences between the 3 dimensional measurements of the 3 groups (the first experimental group training Kaatsu - the second experimental group the resistance training - the control group) in the physical variables under investigation


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