The effectiveness of hybrid education using the (Microsoft Teams) program to improve the level of cognitive achievement and offensive performance in the sport of fencing

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical education


The current study aims to identify the effectiveness of hybrid education using the (Microsoft Teams) program on improving the cognitive aspect and the offensive performance of the attacks (numerical binary, cutting and changer, triple numerical, cutting and binary numerical) in the sport of fencing among students of (specialization) the third division of the College of Physical Education for Girls The University of Zagazig, the researcher used the experimental method using pre-post measurement for one group, Then the research community was chosen by the deliberate method and it included female students (specializing in weapons), the third division of the Faculty of Physical Education, Girls of Zagazig University, the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021 AD, and the number of (120) students, then the researcher selected (20) students as an exploratory sample from the same The research community, and excluding (10) female students for non-compliance, and the research sample was chosen by the deliberate method from the total research community and their number is (90) students, as well as the rationing sample consisting of (20) students who had previously studied the fencing approach in order to calculate the parameters of ease, difficulty and distinction for the cognitive test. , The most important results were that the proposed program using the hybrid education method had a positive effect on the level of cognitive achievement and the level of offensive performance of the students.


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