The effect of some kinematic variables on the level of skill performance For high jump effectiveness

Document Type : Original Article


College of Basic Education - Department of Education and Sports - Kuwait University


The current research aims to identify the effect of some kinematic variables on the level of skill performance of the effectiveness of the high jump. The researcher used the experimental method with an experimental design for one experimental group using pre-dimensional measurements, for its relevance to the nature of the research, and the research community represented the high jump players registered in the Federation Kuwaiti athletics for the 2020/2021 sports season, whose number is (8) players. The research sample was also chosen by the deliberate method as it consisted of all the research community of (7) high jump players, and (1) high jump player was excluded due to injury. The researcher also selected an exploratory sample consisting of (2) high jump players from the research community and outside the basic research sample to conduct scientific transactions for the variables "under discussion" and thus the strength of the basic research sample reached (5) high jump players, and the most important conclusions were the effectiveness of the proposed training program in developing "Horizontal velocity before rise - horizontal velocity after rise - vertical velocity after rise - angle of rise for high jump players. The most important conclusions were to focus on the importance of Study mechanical variables in developing the technical performance of high jump effectiveness.


Main Subjects