" A Strategic Plan to Benefit from Sports Facilities at Taif University in Light of The Kingdom's 2030 Vision "

Document Type : Original Article


Taif University - Saudi Arabia


A Strategic Plan to Benefit from Sports Facilities at Taif University in Light of The Kingdom's 2030 Vision
The research aims to develop a strategic plan to benefit from the facilities at Taif University in light of the Kingdom's vision 2030 AD, and the researcher used the descriptive method, and the research sample was chosen randomly and their number reached (80) persons, coordinators of colleges in the field of sports programs and activities, supervisors of various games and officials of sports facilities at the Taif University , and they were divided into (20) persons to find scientific transactions and conduct the exploratory study, and (60) persons to apply the questionnaire, and the researcher used the questionnaire as a tool to collect data and information and appropriate statistical treatments were carried out for it, and the most important results were to arrive at the development of a proposed strategic plan to benefit Of the sports facilities in the light of the Kingdom's vision 2030 AD that contains ( elements of the formation of the plan, including the mission, vision, goals of the plan, material and human resources, the chosen strategy, and appropriate strategic alternatives - the elements of implementing the plan, including administrative policies, administrative procedures, estimated budgets and time programs - elements of evaluation and control in the plan ) .
The Most Important Recommendations Were :
- The necessity to implement the proposed plan.
- The necessity of holding weightlifting sessions for those responsible for managing sports facilities.


Main Subjects