Stress and it`s relationship to psychological comptability and decision making byyouth care specialists at Al-Azhar University

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical education for men , Al Azhar university


Research aims to try to identify the relationship between stress , psychological comptabilityand decision making byyouth care specialists at ALAZHAR university , and also learn about the difference between youth care specialistsat ALAZHAR university (males , females) in the variable under investigation , the researcher used the descriptive method ,the research sample was deliberately chosen for all the members of the research community which reached their all numbers (160) specialists , (55) of them are females , (15) of whom are survey sample , and (40) females as basic survey , and (105) males , (25) of whom are survey sample , (80) as basic sample . The researcher used the following tools (occupation stress scale – general psychological comptability scale – decision making scale ) . The most important result :- youth care specialists at ALAZHAR university have amedium level of ( stress – psychological computability - ability of decision making ) . The existence of negative correlation and statically survey between ( stress and psychological comptability ) and between ( stress and ability of decision making ) and the existence of apositive and strong correlation between psychological computability and ability of decision making , and also the presence of statically significant differences in the scale of stress ,and the differences were in the favour of females , and the existence of differences in the measure of psychological comptability and the ability of decision making and the differences were in the favour of males .


Main Subjects