Effect of using parachute drills on some specific physical abilities and the kinematic variables of the sprint step and the record level of the 100-meter / sprint race

Document Type : Original Article


training sports department -physical education -damitta univeristy


The study aimed to identify Effect of using parachute drills on some specific physical abilities and the kinematic variables of the running step and the record level of the 100-meter / sprint race. The experimental method was used on an intentional sample of the 100-meter / sprint contestants and registered in the Egyptian Athletics Federation, and the number (10) A contestant, where the exercises were performed using the parachute tool during the main part of the training unit for 20-40 minutes during the period of the special physical preparation of a training program for the 100 meters / course and for a period of (10) weeks, at the rate of (4) training units per week, and its duration (90) minutes After completing the application of the training program, dimensional measurements were made of some of the special physical abilities and the kinematic variables of the running step of the research sample and statistical data processing. Through the presentation and discussion of the results, the following conclusions were reached, there are statistically significant differences between pre measurements of the control and experimental group in favor of the post measurement in favor of the experimental group in some special physical abilities and some specific physical abilities and the kinematic variables of the sprint step and the record level of the 100-meter / sprint


Main Subjects