The effectiveness of using the Edmode platform based on electronic projects in imparting the technical presentations unit skills to students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University


This study aims to identify the effectiveness of using the Edmodo platform based on electronic projects in the skills of the Power Point presentation program for students of the Faculty of Physical Education University of Tanta, The researcher used the experimental method due to its suitability for the nature of the research, and the researcher used one of the experimental designs which is the experimental design of one experimental group because of its suitability for the nature of the study, and the sample of the study was selected in a random way and the number of members of the sample (24) students experimental group , The researcher applied the electronic project calendar card to the pilot group to evaluate students in the skills of the Power Point presentation program module and applied the scale of opinions and electronic impressions to the experimental group in order to know their opinions and impressions about the effectiveness of using the Edmodo platform based on electronic projects in the skills of the Program Power Point, the most important results use of Edmodo platform based on electronic projects have a positive impact in expending the skills of the Power Point presentation program for students of the Faculty of Education AtTA Faster and better experimental


Main Subjects