Effect of Physiological strengh Training on Some Biomechanical Indicators and the effectiveness of skill performance Of Back Throwing With Facing The Back Skill For Wrestler

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, boys Zagazig


The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of a proposed training programe to development some biomechanical indicators and the effectiveness of skill performance Of Back Throwing With Facing The Back Skill for wrestlers of roman wresting ( 19 – 20) years . The researcher used the experimental method and follow the experimental design with pre- measurement and post – measurement of one group (experimental) in order to appropriate to type of the search , the research Sample has been chosen from a group of wrestlers in zagazig university team , zagazig university during the academic year 2017/2018 were chosen on purpose . the total of the sample reached 13 wrestlers represent, 5 wrestlers were chosen to perform survay study so the main sample became 8 wrestlers . Programe application been applied to the training programe using physiological strengh training exercises in the main part of the module the experimental group in fourth training unint during eight weeks in zagazig stadum from 3/3/2018 to26/4/2018 and the time of main part between 60-90 m , and the results of Physiological strengh training program improved significantly in some biomechanical indicators and the effectiveness of skill performance of back throwing with facing the back skill for wrestlers roman wresting ( 19 – 20) years .


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