The impact of participation in cellular recreation activities on the development of some skills Time management for Alexandria University students

Document Type : Original Article


Alexandria university faculty of physical education


The current study aims to identify the impact of participation in the activities of cellular recreation for students of the University of Alexandria in the development of some time management skills, included the sample of the basic study on (190) students of Alexandria University enrolled in the fourth division and enrolled in teams The researcher used the descriptive survey method to suit the nature of the study, and included the study tools on the time management scale and be the measure of three main axes management skills, cognitive skills, skills of the time hosts, and the study found that participation In the activities of cellular recreation has positively influenced the development of some time management skills (management skills) for students of the University of Alexandria, that participation in cellular recreation activities has had a positive impact on the development of some time management skills (time management skills) for students of the University of Alexandria, and one of the most important recommendations is to establish awareness courses for students to spread the culture of time management and its importance among students in the university, By educating students about participating in cellular recreational activities, the university is interested in advertising and advertising how to join mobile teams and the benefits that the student has through joining them, the need to develop a basic subject for time management and be a prerequisite within the university educational preparation.


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