A proposed model for the mechanism of applying artificial intelligence in sports injury rehabilitation centers in Premier League football clubs

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education


A proposed model for the mechanism of applying artificial intelligence in sports injury rehabilitation centers in Premier League football clubs

Dr/Mohamed Hassan Abdelazizi Ismail
Dr/ Osama Ragab abdelmaboud Saudi
Research objective:

1-The reality, obstacles, requirements, goals, and benefits of applying artificial intelligence in sports injury rehabilitation centers in clubs.
2-Designing a proposed model for the application of artificial intelligence in sports injury rehabilitation centers in clubs.plying artificial intelligence in sports injury rehabilitation centers in clubs.

Research Methodology:
The two researchers used the descriptive method
Society and Sample of the Research
The research sample was deliberately chosen from the medical devices of the teams of the Premier League clubs in the 2019/2020 season (team doctor - sports specialists) and members of the board of directors of these clubs, for (67) individuals, and the pilot sample amounted to (11) individuals, with a percentage of ( 16.42%), and the implementation took place from Saturday 1 August 2020 AD until Saturday 15 August 2020 AD, and the basic sample reached (56) individuals with a percentage of (83.58%), and the application was carried out in the period from Sunday 16 August 2020 AD until Tuesday 15 September 2020 AD .

The most important results
1. The use of artificial intelligence leads to rapid work development and completion.
2. Sports injury rehabilitation centers need modern technologies to keep pace with global developments.


Main Subjects