" The effect of metered doses of water on some physiological variables and the offensive defense For juniors handball "

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of Physical education for girls Alex University


Research Summary

The research aims to identify the effect of metered doses of water before and during the game on some physiological variables, and the offensive defense skills for the sample in question.

The sample was deliberately chosen, consisting of (21) twenty-one female players from the handball team, born in (2000) at the Horse Owners Sports Club in Alexandria, and they were divided randomly into (14) female players for the basic study, and the players of the two groups were fixed throughout the game at a time of (30), they had a 10-minute rest period, and metered doses of water were taken at specific prescribed intervals in the study, and the experimental approach, the descriptive method in the survey method, and (7) seven female youths for the exploratory study.

The results concluded that consuming metered doses of water amounting to (1250) milliliters distributed before and during the game has a positive effect on the physiological variables of the sample in question, and the researcher recommended that these doses should be taken in handball matches and sports whose practice time exceeds (30) Accurate, Which the body loses during its exercise a large amount of water in the form of sweat and salts, which may have a harmful effect on the body’s systems. The results also showed that drinking water in the metered doses specified in the study before and during the game’s half leads to improved offensive defense skills during the match compared to not consuming water.


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