The effect of using the flipped learning strategy on the performance level of the shot put competition for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Alexandria.

Document Type : Original Article


1 School Sports Department - Boys College of Physical Education, Babu Qir - Alexandria University

2 Field and track competitions training department - Boys College of Physical Education - Alexandria University


The study aims to know the effect of using the flipped learning strategy on the level of the shot put competition performance for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Alexandria for students of the third year at the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Alexandria University, Alexandria Governorate, in the academic year (2018/2019) they were chosen by a simple random method, The researchers used the experimental approach with the experimental design of the two groups, one experimental and the other controlling, using the pre-post measurement of the two groups on a sample of (60) students from the third year, and the sample was divided into two groups, each group (30 students). The researchers concluded that the use of the flipped learning strategy led to Raising the performance level of the experimental group students in the rotation method of shot put competition for students of the third year at the College of Physical Education for Boys, and it was more influential than the traditional learning (orders) of the control group in teaching the shot put competition in the way of turning for students of the third year of the College of Physical Education for boys.


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