A comparative study of psychological rebellion of normal And people of determination.

Document Type : Original Article


Physical Education College for Girls. Helwan University.


The research aims at a comparative study of the phenomenon of psychological rebellion in the sports field for both sexes for the normal and the people of determination, and the researcher designed the psychological rebellion scale in the sports field for both sexes for the normal and the people of determination and presented it in its initial form to the gentlemen and experts and applied statistical transactions on it to prove the validity and stability of the scale To its final form, the scale was applied to the exploratory research sample in a random way from within the research community and outside the main sample of the research. The researcher followed the descriptive approach with its steps and procedures to achieve the research objectives. The research community represents players and female athletes of various sports activities for normal and disabled people, whose ages range from (25-35). General, represented in some sports (athletics - swimming - weightlifting - volleyball - basketball - volleyball from sitting), from several different clubs and youth centers. The sample was chosen by an intentional method and the number of (114) players and players were normal and people of determination. The researcher found a higher level of psychological rebellion for athletes of determination compared to normal athletes. Male athletes of determination were distinguished by a lower level of psychological rebellion compared to normal. With females, normal female athletes were characterized by a lower level of psychological rebellion than males.


Main Subjects