The application of the Six Sigma method as a tool to achieve competitive advantage in national sports clubs

Document Type : Original Article


Physical education in portside university


This research aims to develop a proposed conception for applying the Six Sigma method to achieve competitive advantage in national sports clubs, by answering the following questions:
1- What is the importance of applying the dimensions of Six Sigma style in national sports clubs?
2- What is the degree of availability of Six Sigma method requirements for eligibility sports clubs?
3- What is the degree of availability of competitive advantage dimensions in private sports clubs?
4- Is there a statistically significant correlation relationship between the availability of Six Sigma method requirements and achieving competitive advantage in eligibility sports clubs (the research sample)?

The descriptive approach was used following the survey method, and the total research sample was (239) individuals
A- The basic sample: (196) questionnaires were distributed to the members of the basic sample, and (196) questionnaires were retrieved, with a return rate (response) by the sample members amounting to (100%), and (179) questionnaires were approved, after excluding (17) A form that is not valid for the purposes of statistical analysis due to the lack of information contained therein, and thus the final number of the basic sample is (179) individuals.
B- The exploratory sample: (60) questionnaires were distributed to the exploratory sample. This sample was from the same population of the study and outside the main sample, and (60) forms were retrieved, subject to statistical analysis.

the researcher reached a proposed conception of the proposed application of the method Six Sigma to achieve competitive advantage in national sports clubs.


Main Subjects