The effect of using the Eisenkraft Inquiry model on achievement and Formulating educational goals and tasks among students of the College of Physical Education

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education sohag university


The Eisencraft model is a process that makes learning a continuous and active process, in the process of a learner researching new structures or rebuilding his cognitive system Thinking, forming correct concepts, quality education.
The current research aims to identify the effect of using the Eisencraft survey model on cognitive achievement and the formulation of educational goals and tasks for students of the Faculty of Physical Education.
To achieve this, the researcher used the experimental method on a sample of third year students at the Faculty of Physical Education at Sohag University - teaching specialization during the first semester during the academic year 2020/2021.
The research resulted in several results, the most important of which were the improvement of the level of cognitive achievement and the formulation of educational goals and tasks for the students, the research group, and the high effectiveness of the Eisencraft investigative model according to the Black Equation .
The most important recommendations were the necessity to train students to learn using modern teaching models and strategies, and to move from traditional methods to constructive methods of teaching in different educational stages.


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