Effect of using plyometric exercises in physical education lesson on improving physical abilities and long jump record for students in second stage of basic education

Document Type : Original Article


Curricula and methods of teaching physical education,physical education for girls ,alexandria universty


Effect of using plyometric exercises in physical education lesson on improving physical abilities and long jump record for students in second stage of basic education
This study aimed at identify the effect of the educational program using plyometric exercises in physical education lesson on improving physical abilities and long jump record for students in second stage of basic education. Experimental methodology adopted with two groups design (experimental and control) with pre and post measurement, due to its relevance to the study nature of the research. The basic study sample consisted of (60) students, randomly divided into two equal groups, one experimental and the other control, each of them (30) students. Main study implemented in 2017/2018 academic year. Physical abilities tests used as data collecting tools. Results revealed positive effect of plyometric exercises on physical abilities and long jump record. Researcher recommended using plyometric exercises in physical part of physical education lesson to improve long jump record for high school students, and recommended the use of plyometric exercises the physical preparation part of the physical education lesson to improve physical abilities associated with the long jump competition for high school students


Main Subjects