Effects Of A Vocational Health Program on the Health Behavior and Vocational Safety For Students Of Technical Secondary Schools In Tanta.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sports Heath Science, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University, Tanta

2 Department of Sports Health Science, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University


The research aims to know the impact of the Vocational health program on health behavior and occupational safety for students of industrial technical education in Tanta through: Preparation of an occupational health program to modify the health and occupational safety for students of industrial technical education in Tanta. The researcher used the experimental method. The researcher selected the research sample from the second secondary industrial grade where they reached 150 students as a sample to carry out the basic research study. The researchers used the Health Behavior Scale and Occupational Safety Scale prepared by the researchers. The main results were:
- The results of the implementation of the Vocational Health Program improved with a total improvement (52.436%) on the Health Behavior Scale and (58.222%) on the Occupational Safety Scale.
- The lowest percentage of improvement was (39,716) for the dimension of Postural Healthy Behavior, and the highest percentage of improvement (60,576) for the dimension of Safety when using tools and equipment.


Main Subjects