The reality of the professional preparation for a stadium injury specialist in Kuwaiti clubs

Document Type : Original Article


College of Basic Education, Department of Physical Education and Sports


The study aims to identify the reality of the professional preparation of a specialist in stadium injuries in Kuwaiti clubs, and the researcher used the descriptive survey method on a sample of (169) playground injuries specialists in (18) clubs, of whom (20) individuals were for the exploratory study, and (149) individuals were for the basic study The researcher used the professional competence scale of the stadium injury specialist designed by the researcher, and after applying the statistical treatments, the researcher reached the following:
 It was evident that the professional preparation level of the stadium injuries specialist was not high, as the degree of (information and concepts related to sports injuries - mental skills - professional skills - general skills related to sports injuries) was moderate among the study sample.
 The percentage of workers whose experience ranges from less than 15 years is about (83.22%), which explains the possibility of providing development and professional training opportunities for stadium injuries specialists in the State of Kuwait.
 The percentage of sports injuries specialists with an intermediate and bachelor’s degree was about (73.15%), and they are the largest group, which explains the importance of training them to develop their professional performance.
 The percentage of workers who specialize in stadium injuries who obtained an average certificate, i.e. not studying sports injuries, reached about (22.14%), which may negatively affect the quality of work outputs.


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