Effects of a Kinesthetic Program on the Technical Performance Level of Counterattack Among Junior Sabre Fencers (less than 15 years)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Combat and Individual Sports – Faculty of Physical Education – Tanta University

2 Department of Sports Psychology – Faculty of Physical Education – Tanta University


Effects of a Kinesthetic Program on the Technical Performance Level of Counterattack Among Junior Sabre Fencers (less than 15 years)
Dr. Ahmed Abd Al-Kawey Saied El-Feky
Dr. Marwa Mohamed Mohamed Abo Shama
The current research aims to identify the effects of a kinesthetic training program on the technical performance level of counterattack among junior sabre fencers through identifying its effects on some psychomotor variables (anticipation – distraction – reaction time). The researchers used the experimental approach (one-group design) with pre- and post-measurements. Participants (n=40) were all junior fencers less than (15) years from Tanta Sports Club during 2019-2020 season who were al registered in the Egyptian Federation of Fencing. Participants were divided into main sample (n=20) and pilot sample (n=20). The training program lasted for (12) weeks (3 units per week) with total of 36 training units. The researchers concluded the following:
- The kinesthetic training program had positive effects on some psychomotor variables (time/movement anticipation – distraction – reaction time) among junior fencers less than (15) years, in favor of post-measurements.
- The kinesthetic training program had positive effects on the technical performance level of counterattack among junior sabre fencers less than (15) years.
- Improvement percentages between pre- and post-measurements ranged from (21.912%) to (33.363%).
- The effectiveness of the kinesthetic training program in improving psychomotor variables and the technical performance level of counterattack among junior sabre fencers less than (15) years ranged from (1.333) to (1.989).


Main Subjects